Discounts Offered

At Hooper's Beta, our mission has always been to support climbers. That’s why we started this company in the first place.

We understand that medical expenses can be a major barrier and that there is a lot of misinformation out there. That’s why we have dedicated significant time to creating free content for climbers.

While I wish I could personally help every climber, time constraints make it impossible.

However, I believe the service I provide is superior to most medical advice available for climbers. This quality is reflected in our prices.

But, to continue supporting our rock climbing community, I want to offer special discounts to those in need, making quality treatment for climbers more accessible.

Thank you for being part of Hooper's Beta!

To see all discounts offered, scroll down below.

Discounts and Codes

1. The Wall Climbing Gym Members

Get 20% off of PT appointments if you are a Wall member!

Check your member email for the most up to date code as this does change frequently.

Proof of membership may be required if you are using this code

2. ACTIVE Students & Military

Get 15% off any appointment when you use code - SMxHB-2024

Proof of ACTIVE enrollment must be submitted if you are using this discount.

Proof can be sent to:

3. Dan’s Clan

(aka, Dan Beall’s clients. Dan’s Clan just sounds cooler).

Ask Dan for a special discount code!

4. Team Class5

Ask one of your coaches for more information!

5. The Wall Staff

Reach out to me directly ( for more information

6. Special Considerations

If you have a special consideration and cannot afford our services, please reach out to and let me know.