Does Your Strength Affect How Good Your Technique Is? (Not What We Expected)

Hooper’s Beta Ep. 147


Are all those strong people totally sandbagging us when they see us struggling on a move and then show us how easy it is if we just used the right technique? Are those old-school climbers actually right when they tell us to stop focusing on strength and learn how to climb?

Sounds like we need to do a little experiment! We’re going to test out a variety of climbing techniques in the gym with and without a weight belt, so we can see how our technique is affected by changes to our effective strength.

Will being weaker actually make it *harder* for us to have “good technique,” thus confirming that good technique goes hand in hand with being strong?

Or, will being weaker have no effect on our technique, meaning strength and technique are independent of each other?

To help us figure it out, we’ve got my fiancée and novice climber, Aleena, as well as professional competition climber Ross Fulkerson.

Let’s see who wins!

Special Thanks

To Ross Fulkerson and Aleena Young for joining us on this fun experiement!

Here are Ross's upcoming Mind to Motion Workshops:



🙏 SPECIAL THANKS to Mesa Rim North City! @mesarim_nc & The Wall Climbing Gym @thewallclimbinggym
- Mesa Rim North City: Mention "Hooper's Beta" at the front desk for a one-week pass with free gear rental!
- The Wall: Get a Day Pass and Gear for $15 when you mention Hooper's Beta at the front desk:


As always, exercises are to be performed assuming your own risk and should not be done if you feel you are at risk for injury. See a medical professional if you have concerns before starting new exercises.

Written and Presented by Jason Hooper, PT, DPT, OCS, SCS, CAFS

IG: @hoopersbetaofficial

Filming and Editing by Emile Modesitt

IG: @emile166


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Focus on What You're Doing, Not Where You're Going (Part 2)